
Drop-In Center: Monday-Friday 3:00 – 6:00 PM; Early Release Wednesdays 1-6 PM (School Year)

School Vacations and Holidays: hours vary – Check out our calendar or Call for details.

Summer hours: PYW is generally open two days a week from 2-6PM and out on trips several times a week!

(See our quarterly newsletter and calendar for more details!)

FUN for Summer: PYW is open year round! During the summer we are usually open a few days a week for Drop-In. We are out of town on trips and adventures at least twice a week! 

PYW Trips and Excursions: PYW offers trips throughout the school year, on early release days, and during the summer. Some of our most popular trips include indoor rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, bowling, amusement parks, sporting events, movies, museums and science centers, swimming, and a whole lot more!

Music Enhancement and Arts Appreciation: PYW offers youth opportunities to learn more about the arts by going to museums, concerts, and plays. We also offer the music lessons, special workshops, weekly arts & crafts projects and much more!

Cooking Club & Family Dinner Nights: PYW supports youth to learn healthy life skills, by learning basic meal preparation, safety, and nutrition during cooking club workshops. Youth also plan and prepare family style dinners for their families and the community.

Community Pride and Involvement: PYW is involved in many community events throughout the year – check the calendar for up to date info! We also create opportunities for youth to give back to their community during special service learning days. 

Youth Leadership: The Youth Board has a three part mission: To give the youth a voice in the programs offered by PYW; To improve the image of PYW and youth in general to the community; and Fundraising through the Youth Board Store. Meeting times vary, Check the calendar for up to date info.

Check out this amazing video – Mark Thomas created to show what goes on during Drop-In!

Another great video trailer created by Mark Thomas to show more about what happens at PYW!